Hints Document Update!

Last week, I started a hints document, and I've now made a huge update to it! 

There are now hints for each specific clue, so if you're unsure what a letter or audio recording is trying to tell you, you can now look at the hints document for that specific item. 

There are some more general questions answered in there as well, like "How can I tell who is in what generation?"

The hints document can be viewed here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/14B83HLol7H_T1eJwakzfkMpWJb6PX5MVEryfnW7uBNA/...

As always, if you're still stuck, feel free to ask questions in the comments, and thank you for giving the game a try!


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I am just confused :(

Hello! What are you confused on? If you post a screenshot of your progress so far I can give you some hints.